Chronic inflammation can lead to various health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, chronic pain, and many others. This means sticking to a diet of anti-inflammatory foods can be smarter and better for your health. Our chiropractor at Valley Stream Chiropractic in Valley Stream, NY can provide you with nutrition advice for a healthier lifestyle. Consider a few ways to reduce inflammation by making the right diet choices.

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Eat Plenty of Vegetables and Fruits

Different fruits and vegetables have different health benefits. This means eating different veggies and fruits regularly can be more beneficial. Aim for six 1/2 cup servings daily. Some of the most anti-inflammatory foods include avocados, mushrooms, broccoli, turmeric, berries, cocoa, dark chocolate, tomatoes, and others. In fact, you may even find that your meals are tastier with veggies, fruits, and other anti-inflammatory foods. For instance, you can add some avocado to make a burrito taste richer. Or try mixing cocoa with your morning oatmeal. No matter what, you have the power to put unhealthy foods in the past by making better choices.

Add Extra Fiber to Your Diet

Fiber is important for gut and overall health. But most Americans don’t get as much fiber as they should. The two types of fiber, insoluble and soluble, that exist come from plant foods. Examples of insoluble fiber include the bran of whole grains, seeds, and nuts. Some examples of soluble fiber are oats, chia seeds, and beans. For expert advice about how to switch to a healthier diet, search for a chiropractor near you.

Eat Less Sugar

Most people in the U.S. consume two to three times more sugar than the recommended amount. For one thing, you should avoid sugary drinks such as sweetened coffees, sweetened teas, juices, lemonade, and soda. You should also limit sweets like candies, pastries, and others. Additionally, chips, salad dressings, and yogurt are a few foods you might not think contain added sugars. Our chiropractor can advise you about how to change to a healthier diet and reduce inflammation.

Make Slow Changes

Switching slowly to a healthier diet can take patience, dedication, and effort. Although it can be challenging, it’s worth it to take better care of yourself. By making slow changes, you can see your new way of eating as a lifestyle and not just a diet. This will make it easier to stay committed to your goals. Taking small steps toward improvement could be the best thing you ever did for yourself.

Contact a Chiropractor Near You

Ready to get started? Our chiropractor at Valley Stream Chiropractic in Valley Stream, NY can help! Contact us today!