When you have been in a vehicle accident, it can cause you to suffer from whiplash. If you have this car accident injury, see a chiropractor for treatment. This auto accident injury can continue causing you pain for several weeks, so you need to get treatment to help relieve the symptoms of it. When you need a chiropractor for your whiplash, call our Valley Stream, NY, practice to make your appointment. You may need to get imaging of the area to determine the scope of it. This can be an X-ray to rule out small fractures. We at Valley Stream Chiropractic are here to help.

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Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash can cause your neck to be stiff and painful. However, you may also have pain in other areas of your body. This auto accident injury can also cause pain in the shoulders as well as headaches and arm pain. You may find that your arms tingle, are numb, or have become painful. Tinnitus, a ringing sound in the ears, can also be caused by this car accident injury. Some patients also experience vision problems. You might feel dizzy or have a lot of trouble sleeping. It can also cause trouble with concentration and memory problems. When you have these symptoms, see a chiropractor to treat them. Don’t continue living in pain when there are ways to relieve it.

After a car accident, women are more likely to suffer from whiplash, though men can get it as well. If the patient is over 40, there is an increased risk of developing whiplash. The condition may last for a few days up to a few weeks, and it can impact all of your daily activities.

What Causes Whiplash?

When there is a car accident, your neck will rapidly go in one direction and then quickly go in another. When this happens, the neck tissues, such as the muscles, get stretched too far. When all of this rapid head motion happens, it can hurt the neck. This condition can be assessed by a chiropractor.

How We Can Help

We can help treat whiplash by providing chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, exercises, lifestyle advice, and more. Our chiropractic care can help reduce pain and promote healing so that you can get back to your life without having to worry.

Get Help for Whiplash

If you have the symptoms of whiplash, don’t wait to get treatment for your car accident injury. Give us a call at (516) 791-6421 for Valley Stream Chiropractic in Valley Stream, NY, office to make your appointment for assessment and treatment. Don’t live in pain when a chiropractor can help with it.